On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 3:41 PM, Jerry Feldman <g...@blu.org> wrote:
>>  Can the proprietary driver packages be copied to a separate USB
>> flash drive, and then installed into the in-RAM "live" system?
> The simple answer is yes. What you would need to do is to is to open up the
> iso, copy in the appropriate drivers or packages, then make a new iso ...

  No way to just put the needed packages on separate media, and then
have the regular disc load them?

  I'm thinking the ideal scenario would be:

1. Obtain the standard Ubuntu/Fedora/whatever "live disc" (download
and burn, free sample, whatever)
2. Download any additional driver package(s) you need
3. Copy the driver package(s) to a separate USB flash drive
4. Stick flash drive in PC, then boot from CD
5. CD detects additional stuff on the flash drive, and offers to use it

  Slightly less ideal, but still very good, would be step 5 requiring
the operator to manually point the system at the flash drive, either
at the boot prompt, and/or in the GUI.

  For example, I know with Red Hat's standard installer, you can feed
it a driver diskette (or USB flash, etc.), which will add to the
"stock" capabilities without needing to rebuild the whole kit.  (I
dunno if that works with their "live" system, though.)

-- Ben
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