On 4/18/06, Jon maddog Hall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> As to Ben's input ...
> I think that general guidelines of "We believe in Free and Open Source
> Software and its use" is a pretty general idea and leaves lots of room
> open for advocacy.

  "General ideas" tend to get bogged down when the details get
involved.  And they always do.  You ever watched a session of
Congress?  Heck, you ever monitored the traffic on the -discuss list? 
:)  Saying "We're all for Linux" is a far cry from a consensus on how
one should go about advocating that in schools, government, etc.  In
other forums, I've seen long debates about whether FOSS should be
given preferred status over, or simply put on equal grounds with,
proprietary offerings.

  Heck, there are still GNHLUG people who appear to be rather
undecided on the idea of whether we should incorporate *at all*. 
Although I suspect these cases are due more to inertia and a general
dislike of bureaucracy than anything substantial, I can just envision
the group grope that will ensue if we try to agree on a program of
political action.

  I'm just saying I think it might be better if we bypassed any such
controversy by keeping "GNHLUG" more "neutral".

  And personally, I'd feel uncomfortable saying "I represent GNHLUG. 
Our positions is..." in an advocacy sales-pitch if I wasn't sure I
actually *did* represent GNHLUG.

  On the third hand, maybe there's some other pre-existing
organization we could hitch our wagon to to avoid that problem for
GNHLUG, saving us the trouble of creating two legal entities just to
avoid that problem.

> So unless we are a religion ...

  .... eh, nevermind.  :)

> ... or a real charitable entity (which means our members do not get
> compensation for what they "give")

  I don't understand.  I thought one of the reasons for seeking (c)(3)
status was so that contributions would be tax-deductible.  ??

-- Ben

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