I'm CC'ing Carole on this. She has a 501(c)3 - Learning Networks
Foundation, and may be able to answer specific questions.


Ben Scott wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 10:11 AM, Ed lawson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> The hard part of the process is not the "legal" part, but the
>> organizational and planning work needed to have the information and
>> projections needed to complete the application.
>   Indeed, and that's really I'm talking about: I don't think any of us
> have a clue what to do.  I certainly don't.
>   I've read through some of the IRS documentation, but it's already
> been established that the IRS isn't necessarily the best resource for
> our purposes.  Oh, sure, if we follow their guidance we'll be
> completely legal, but it won't necessarily be the best outcome for us.
>  For example, the IRS docs led me to believe we wouldn't qualify as a
> 501(c)(3) charitable organization, while people with actual experience
> with this stuff say we should definitely try for it and have a
> reasonable chance of getting it.  After all, the IRS's mission is to
> collect revenue; one goal of a non-profit is to keep them from doing
> so.
>   I know a few people who know accounting of various sorts, and I've
> asked them, but none of them are familiar with non-profit aspects.  So
> me, personally -- I got nuttin.  If we lacked any other resources, I
> would advise the next thing to do would be to begin collecting funds
> to pay for consultation with an experienced professional.
>   Fortunately, I don't think we're that resource-poor.  A couple
> people have stepped forward, saying they know people with experience
> who might be able to help.  I haven't heard back from them since then,
> though.  I guess I should be following up with them to see if they
> have followed up with the people they know.  Hmmm, I'll do that.
> -- Ben
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