The following is directed more to the general group, rather than
Carole in particular.

On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 11:15 AM, Carole Soule <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Probably $750 to the IRS when the application is submitted
>  (this fee entirely depends on the organization income for the
>  last 4 years...

  I believe GNHLUG's lifetime-to-date income is pretty close to zero.
To the best of my knowledge, the only assets which have been donated
to GNHLUG's name are the state paperwork fees (<$100 total, I think).
At the next Board meeting, my plan is to collect donations for the
initial deposit to open the bank account; that should add another $50
or so.

  The Internet server is still in my name.  Internet hosting is still
in Codemeta's name.  The plan is that these would be sold to GNHLUG
for very low prices ($1 for the server, a similar monthly rate for the
hosting) to keep GNHLUG's income at the "insignificant" level.  (Of
course, this plan was hatched by a bunch of computer geeks who don't
know much about accounting, so maybe that's not kosher.)

  Everything else has been individual personal expenses, not claimed
as deductible donations, and generally not even formally done in
GNHLUG's name.  Of course, one of the reasons we're interested in this
is to change that, but it's still very small potatoes.

  So even "worst case" for the above, I expect annual receipts to be
well under $2000/year.

  Based on what I see in IRS Form 8718, "User Fee for Exempt
Organization Determination Letter Request", if we are under $10K/year,
the filing fee is $300; only if we go over does it become $750.  So,
$500 + $300 = $800 rough-order-of-magnitude estimated cost.

  Ironically -- assuming we go through with it -- the costs associated
with the 501(c)(3) filings will require the biggest donation in GNHLUG

-- Ben
gnhlug-org mailing list

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