On Fri, Mar 14, 2008 at 8:52 AM, Ed lawson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I believe it is fair to say this is like dejavew all over again.

  I think the reason we have so much deja vu over and over again is
that we keep getting told we should do things, but don't actually know
*how* to do them.  None of us knows anything about this.  :-/  (Or if
they do, they're keeping quiet.)

> ... get the advice of Rob's wife ...

  I've ping'ed the person who was supposed to be doing that.

  I'm also learning that nothing gets done if people don't hound other
people.  :-)  I'm now hounding some other people, but I need someone
to hound me, too.

  I've also been in recent contact with Carole Soule, who has
generously offered to help us out, either by guiding us through the
501(c)(3) process or by having LNF (http://www.learningnet.org) be the
umbrella organization for GNHLUG.

  - - -

  The following are directed more at the rest of the group, than you,
Ed.  I'm posting this because these are questions we need answers to.
I understand that you're trying to stay out of this; I'm not expecting
answers from you.  :)

>  2.  If your annual contributions do not exceed $5K, then you really
>  don't need to do anything.

  If we don't need to do anything, why are there four other steps?  ;-)

>  3.  If you want to obtain your own determination letter, the 501(c)(3)
>  is the way to go.

  Based on my understanding, I don't think that obtaining 501(c)(3)
status for GNHLUG directly would have much benefit for GNHLUG, so I
would say we don't "want" to do that.  But I'm just me; others may

>  4.  You need to do some work to develop budgets, develop projected
>  income and expenses, develop proposed activities, create bylaws, and
>  develop a formal, functional organization.

  Our projected income and expenses are both practically zero[1].  Our
activities are hosting the mailing list, web site, and meetings.
We've got bylaws.  We've got a board of directors that holds four
meetings a year -- I'm assuming that's a formal, functional
organization.  So we've done everything, right?  I'm guessing, no, we
haven't done everything, but we don't even know enough to know what we
haven't done.

[1] Actual: Projecting $50 income this year -- the donation I plan on
collecting to open the bank account.  Projecting $1 in expenses, to
have GNHLUG purchase server hardware.

-- Ben
gnhlug-org mailing list

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