>  Ironically -- assuming we go through with it -- the costs associated
> with the 501(c)(3) filings will require the biggest donation in GNHLUG
> history.

Unless you're going for the prestige element of being able to declare GNHLUG
a 501c3 non-profit, a less expensive course may be to find an existing 501c3
that can umbrella the org for what few donations it may someday receive.

There's usually a % of the tax-deductable donations they take, somewhere
around 10% is common, but when you consider the filing fees and paperwork
it's usually a win-win situation for both orgs.

I haven't lived here long enough to know the orgs in NH, but in Ithaca we
had an org that did this all the time - http://cresp.cornell.edu/ - they
umbrella organizations ranging from an eco-friendly planned community, a
community newspaper, a public access show, and a local library.  This is
just an example, but you need not look only at tech-based orgs as potential
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