On Thu, 18 May 2000, Derek Martin wrote:
> There is a good section on data archiving in Evi Nemeth's (et. al.)
> _Unix_System_Administration_Handbook_.  I suggest you give it a good
> once-over. 
> Note to all GNHLUGers:  Based on the number of times Paul and I have
> mentioned this book, in order to save us both typing in the future, I'm
> going to tell you now, GO GET THIS BOOK AND READ IT COVER TO COVER.  It
> WILL solve all your problems.  :)

  It is a good book, although it is a bit dated, and pretty much completely
ignores the free Unixes.  :(  Sure, it kind of pre-dates Linux, the BSDs have
been around a lot longer.  For commercial Unix systems, though, you'd be hard
pressed to beat it.

  I'd also recommend "Essential System Administration" by AEleen Frisch (from
O'Reilly), which *does* cover Linux issues.  Also, the "System Administrator's
Guide" and "Network Administrator's Guide", part of the LDP, are pretty good,
and free, too.  http://www.linuxdoc.org for those.

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