In a message dated: Fri, 19 May 2000 11:36:48 EDT
"Kevin D. Clark" said:

>Paul Lussier writes:
>> AEleen's book spends entirely too much time in Sun/Linux land, and not
>> enough time covering the general basics.
>I must politely disagree.

Okay :)  I also must admit, I've only read the first edition.  The second may 
be much better, I don't know.

>I haven't read the other book mentioned in this thread, but I'd say
>that you can't go wrong with reading AEleen's.

No, you definitely can't go wrong reading it.  Don't get me wrong, I did like 
her book, I just prefer Evi's.

>PS  Does anybody happen to know AEleen's email address?  I tried to
>write to her once to update some info in her book but the address

Did you check the USENIX/SANS sites?  I know she's very active there (or used 
to be :)  Also, check out a recent copy of Server/Workstation (was Sun 
Expert), she writes a monthly column there.
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