I recently did some benchmarks. The 16 bit non-cardbus PCMCIA cards 
will not exceed 10 Mbps. Make sure you get the cardbus versions. I got 
a Linksys PCMP100 10/100 card and the best it would benchmark was 
well under 10Mbps (through a switch to a Linksys 10/100 PCI card). I 
returned the card and got a Netgear FA510 32 bit cardbus. Ran the exact 
same benchmark with a throughput of about 88Mbps. The xjack cards 
certainly are an advantage to carry around, but they appear to be a bit 
fragile. Dongles are easy to lose of to forget.  

On 24 Aug 2000, at 13:34, Rodent of Unusual Size wrote:

> Greetings..  Time once again to call upon the accumulated wisdom..
> I'm looking to get some PCMCIA network cards: 10/100 cable,
> and 11Mb wireless.
> Does anyone have any success/horror stories about particular
> wireless cards?  Such as 'problems w/Linux,' or 'sensitive to
> heat,' or 'has funky antennae that break easily,' or 'sticks out
> a lot and catches on things?'
> How about 10/100 cards, especially comparing dongles with the
> pop-out X-jack style?
> TIA!
> -- 
> #ken    P-)}
> Ken Coar                    <http://Golux.Com/coar/>
> Apache Software Foundation  <http://www.apache.org/>
> "Apache Server for Dummies" <http://Apache-Server.Com/>
> "Apache Server Unleashed"   <http://ApacheUnleashed.Com/>
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