Hi Paul,
On Thu, 24 Aug 2000, Paul Lussier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In a message dated: Thu, 24 Aug 2000 14:08:31 EDT
> Tom Varga said:
> >I love my Lucent 11Mb wireless pcmcia card. Works like a charm in both
> >windows and linux.
> How much did this cost? I'd love to get wireless at home!
I got wireless here at home last year and we really like it a lot (in
fact I'm writing this email out on my deck on this lovely evening :-)
My PCMCIA cards are 2 Mb/s so I am basically drooling at the 11's that
have come out this year. Still, 2 Mb/s is pretty much acceptable if not
super zippy for most things.
One issue to keep in the back of one's mind is though the maximal
through-put is good, the latency pretty high for these wireless: 6 ms
for my 2Mb/s and I believe I heard about 2-3 ms for the 11 Mb/s
wireless NICS. So not all applications will be as speedy as 10BT
ethernet. But still pretty amazing.
I'd suggest going with the 11Mb/s cards, but if one wanted to go on the
cheap side, last year I got my 2Mb/s Webgear Aviator cards for about
$70 each (actually came in a $140 kit with two PCMCIA cards + an
ISA-PCMCIA adaptor to connect a desktop [say as a router to the
internet]). I don't know if these cards have gotten any cheaper.
Ask and I'll send along my URL's.
Karl Runge
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