Jerry Feldman wrote:
> I recently did some benchmarks. The 16 bit non-cardbus PCMCIA cards
> will not exceed 10 Mbps. Make sure you get the cardbus versions.

Huh.  Spurred by this message, I did a little testing of my own.
My 3Com 3C574-TX 10/100 PCMCIA wouldn't push through much faster
than 1.05MB/s on an FTP connexion.  I tried in two different
environments, with two different switches, with nearly identical
results.  Is this low speed a consequence of the situation you
describe above?  I don't know from cardbus; I'm using it in
a ThinkPad 600E.  Is that cardbus-capable?

I'd like to use 3Com, since I've never heard anything bad about
them (except price).  However, they don't appear to sell the
3C574-TX any more, having moved on to the 3C[XC]FE57[45]
part number.  I've also heard that the 3c574_cs Linux driver
is flakey (though I've personally had no problems).  So, three

1. Is the 3C[XC]FE57[45] truly >10Mbps capable?
2. Can I get better than 10Mbps with one in my TP 600E?
3. Is the Linux driver support for them any better than for the 3C574?

#ken    P-)}

Ken Coar                    <http://Golux.Com/coar/>
Apache Software Foundation  <>
"Apache Server for Dummies" <http://Apache-Server.Com/>
"Apache Server Unleashed"   <http://ApacheUnleashed.Com/>

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