Yesterday, Rodent of Unusual Size gleaned this insight:

> Jerry Feldman wrote:
> > 
> > I recently did some benchmarks. The 16 bit non-cardbus PCMCIA cards
> > will not exceed 10 Mbps. Make sure you get the cardbus versions.
> Huh.  Spurred by this message, I did a little testing of my own.
> My 3Com 3C574-TX 10/100 PCMCIA wouldn't push through much faster
> than 1.05MB/s on an FTP connexion.  I tried in two different
> environments, with two different switches, with nearly identical
> results.  Is this low speed a consequence of the situation you
> describe above?  I don't know from cardbus; I'm using it in
> a ThinkPad 600E.  Is that cardbus-capable?

I've got a 3CCFE575CT in a Dell laptop connected to a 100Mb/fd switch,
and I get 2.6MB/s transfer rates from ftp, if that answers your question.
Actually I think I've seen it higher so I may have something configured
wrong, but I may also be smoking crack.

You know that everytime I try to go where I really want to be,
It's already where I am, cuz I'm already there...
Derek D. Martin              |  Unix/Linux Geek

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