At 10:08 PM 8/30/2000 -0400, Benjamin Scott wrote:

when i was in band and something was canceled instead of having to call all 
200+ band members we had a phone tree.....everybody called like 10 other 
ppl...and they in turn called 10 other ppl....and so and and so forth until 
everybody was works like a charm....and would eliminate 
problems like this.......we also had the tree setup so that ppl didn't have 
to make long distance calls......

my .02.


>On Wed, 30 Aug 2000, Jerry Kubeck wrote:
> > I am sorry to say, I have to CANCEL tonights meeting.
>   And I am sorry to say that some of us work for a living, don't have the
>opportunity to check our email for cancelations all day long, and wasted a
>considerable amount of time waiting for a meeting that didn't happen.  And no,
>I wasn't the only one.  And yes, I'm in a bad mood.
>   Personally, I think if something goes south the *same day* of the meeting,
>the meeting should happen anyway, and we'll find *something* to talk about,
>even if it is only a presentation on how to use the 'logout' command.
>   Since I don't want to be *entirely* unproductive in this message... how
>about a volentary register of people's phone number(s), maintained on an
>opt-in basis, so that organizers can provide active notification in the event
>that a similar screw^H^H^H^H^H occurance happens again?  I would be happy to
>maintain such a list and play phone tag for everyone, if for no other reason
>then it would at least ensure I get notified in the future.
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