Today, jkubeck gleaned this insight:

> To Ben and any others who missed the cancellation email. My sincerest
> apologies. I take full responsibility for the lateness in the email,
> however, I did do so in the best interest of the group as a whole. I
> did get feedback from a couple of people that said they felt it was
> best for the people driving long distances.
> If I had of had a few more hours to send out emails and in the
> supposition that people would have seen them to vote for holding it
> anyway, then I guess I made a poor judgement, but I am the one that
> had to make the decision and I made it.
> We (I) can strive to do a better job in the future. This was simply a
> case of two people making different dates in calendars, and then both
> being gone and out of touch for several days.

Jerry, I hope I speak for the whole group when I say you do a great job
organizing for the group, taking much of your personal time for such
things, and your work is much appreciated!  No one is perfect, and no one
should be expected to be.

Thanks for making the effort!

You know that everytime I try to go where I really want to be,
It's already where I am, cuz I'm already there...
Derek D. Martin              |  Unix/Linux Geek

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