To follow on to what Jerry said, one of the issues is this was one of
the quarterly "GNHLUG" meetings, intended to be something special.
In addition, I've been working on getting more publicity about these
meetings out, to try and expand our membership, and increase
awareness.  As Jerry points out, we're putting in place some systems
to hopefully prevent this, and at least have some backup ready if a
speaker can't make it at the last minute.  

All part of growing pains - such wonderful problems to have.

Thanks for your work Jerry - you made the best decision you could with
the info you had.


On Thu, 31 Aug 2000, jkubeck wrote:

> Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2000 00:13:36 -0700
> From: jkubeck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Benjamin Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: Greater NH Linux Users Group <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: The GNHLUG meeting Tonight <CANCELED>
> To Ben and any others who missed the cancellation email. My sincerest apologies. I
> take full responsibility for the lateness in the email, however, I did do so in
> the best interest of the group as a  whole. I did get feedback from a couple of
> people that said they felt it was best for the people driving long distances.
> If I had of had a few more hours to send out emails and in the supposition that
> people would have seen them to vote for holding it anyway, then I guess I made a
> poor judgement, but I am the one that had to make the decision and I made it.
> We (I) can strive to do a better job in the future. This was simply a case of two
> people making different dates in calendars, and then both being gone and out of
> touch for several days.
> We have a new system in place to avoid these things from happening in the future,
> however, all the people that could have done the follow up were also gone. No
> excuses, just reality.
> Ben, as to the volunteering for the phone tag duty, how can you do that and not
> check email? No sarrcasm here, just an honest question. I sent a personal email to
> everyone that rsvp'd me as well as the GNHLUG announcement.
> Jerry
> Benjamin Scott wrote:
> > On Wed, 30 Aug 2000, Jerry Kubeck wrote:
> > > I am sorry to say, I have to CANCEL tonights meeting.
> >
> >   And I am sorry to say that some of us work for a living, don't have the
> > opportunity to check our email for cancelations all day long, and wasted a
> > considerable amount of time waiting for a meeting that didn't happen.  And no,
> > I wasn't the only one.  And yes, I'm in a bad mood.
> >
> >   Personally, I think if something goes south the *same day* of the meeting,
> > the meeting should happen anyway, and we'll find *something* to talk about,
> > even if it is only a presentation on how to use the 'logout' command.
> >
> >   Since I don't want to be *entirely* unproductive in this message... how
> > about a volentary register of people's phone number(s), maintained on an
> > opt-in basis, so that organizers can provide active notification in the event
> > that a similar screw^H^H^H^H^H occurance happens again?  I would be happy to
> > maintain such a list and play phone tag for everyone, if for no other reason
> > then it would at least ensure I get notified in the future.
> >
> > --
> > Ben Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > | Brooks's Law: "Adding manpower to a late software project makes it later." |
> >
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