*** On Mon, 11 Feb 2002 at 1:24pm Derek D. Martin shared this with the class::

> Ray, I really hate when people do this.  The numbers presented are
> very deceptive, because for Microsoft products, the numbers include
> ONLY the core OS.  Linux distributions come with a multitude of

I completely understand, but I was refering more to the relation of
problems in RedHat's "CRAP" distro rather than the Microsoft
numbers. Everybody knows how the results are computed. So regardless of
what numbers M$ is showing RH is still following in there footsteps of
putting out software before it is ready (or secure) and creating fodder
for the Windows world to throw at Linux systems. Personally (and I'm not
looking to start a distro war) I like Debian and OpenBSD and I like how
they faired against the other offerings. I'm glad to see their hard work
and adherence to strick standards are paying off!

        Everything isn't about bashing linux so stop looking for a
fight. There will always be poorly run companies and unfortunately for
their users I see RH being one of those companies. I know it's hard for
you to be open minded when it comes to Windows (and probably with good
reason) but give it a try when comparing Linux to it's relatives.

> Try adding up the vulnerabilities for NT/2000, Microsoft office,
> Microsoft Outlook, Internet Explorer, IIS, Exchange, and FrontPage.
> Compare THAT number to Red Hat's, and now you've got something.  What
> else does Microsoft sell that we can include in that figure, anyone?

Now compare RH's numbers to BSD or Debian.

> I will remind people again that bashing Linux distros, especially in
> comparison to Microsoft products, is not a very good thing to do on a
> LINUX MAILING LIST.  Some might call it flamebait...  Others might
> call it trolling.

I would call it being honest and critical about an OS I like quite a bit
and there is no better way to keep it prgressing the why it has been in
the last few years than to do just that. I would never give up my Linux
server because it the the best friggin' machine I have(not bad for a
Celleron 400), but M$ has done a lot of good things despite what you might
think. Everything is both good and Evil. Yes that includes Linux.

And I will remind you that this is a Linux Mailing list NOT and
Anti-Microsoft mailing list. There is a difference!


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