----- Original Message -----
To: "Greg Kettmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Mansur, Warren" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
"Ray Bowles" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Bruce Dawson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2002 5:19 PM
Subject: Re: Interesting Newbie article at CentraLUG.org

> In a message dated: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 19:48:49 EST
> Greg Kettmann said:
> >Sorry to pipe in, but I must.  The fact is that the learning / use curve
> >Linux, particularly compared to Windows, is very high.
> Yes, that's absolutely true.  But look at the reason why!  What were
> they each designed to do?
> Windows designed from the outset to be a SINGLE user system
> primarily for office suite use.  Every other use of
> Windows is a side benefit or add-on usage.
> UNIX designed from the outset to be a multi-tasking,
> multi-user SERVER that can do ANYTHING.

Yes but so was VMS, and as someone else mentioned, they had an excellent
help system. The two are not mutually exclusive. It's just that VMS was
developed in a structured environment, whereas Linux was not? What does this
mean? It simply proves the point that programmers don't like to do
documentation. :oP

> By nature you ought to expect UNIX and by extension, Linux, to be
> more complicated.  UNIX was never meant to be a desktop OS, it was
> designed in the days before anyone could ever conceive of such a
> thing!
> >They often lack real world examples as well.
> Keep in mind, 'man' stands for 'manual', which is short for
> "Reference Manual"!!!!  Show me any reference manual which contains a
> variety of real world examples.  Does Gray's Anatomy have a "real
> world example" of how to remove a kidney?  No, it's a reference,
> that's it, plain and simple.  You want real world examples, you get a
> HOWTO book with pictures and explanations.

Right, the man pages are a reference work. That's the way I have always
considered them. You don't start reading the reference section of a
programmers manual to learn a new language, do you? Of course not. Man pages
are NOT a help system. For the CLI, there IS NO HELP SYSTEM. It's as simple
as that.

[snip rest of stuff I don't care to comment on]

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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