Thanks for all the advice, it sounds like my management may
have found a way to coerce me into using Windoze (kicking and
screaming all the way).

If I do try to rebel though, I'm not sure if I like Bruce's
better (I may have found a reason to get someone to spring
for a palm):

jbd> I keep my schedule on my palm pilot, and there's
jbd> lots-o-software to sync outlook with my pilot. When
jbd> I find that I *absolutely have to*  keep some MS-centric
jbd> customer up to date with my calendar - I just upload my pilot
jbd> to it. This also works for Yahoo (and evolution - sorta).

or one of Paul's (they get right to the point):

plussier> You could tell him you don't use a calendar, therefore
plussier> it's pointless.
plussier> Or, you could just publish a calendar which is completely
plussier> filled ALL THE TIME :)

Right now may mail comes in on a Unix server and love it.  I can
check my messages from home (pine works wonderfully) and I have
fetchmail running daemon mode to grab the messages off their system
(saves them disk space, and me headaches).  If I am forced to run
Outlook I am afraid I will lose that ability - but then again, I'm
not up on M$ Email.

I am also afraid that, if I give in here it is just the first step
into forcing me (as the cartoon once said) "to be assimilated",
and I've been a Unix user too long to go willingly.

Oh well, all good things must come to an end...

Thanks again!
D. Roberts


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