Images can be committed directly to the repo using command line ;-)

The problem here is that we should no commit translations without asking
(hr in this case) team coordinator, but he seems to be missing so we have
to take a decision on this. Should we override coordinator and commit
translations? Should we grant MiloType (if we cand do that) commiter role
in DL?

MR will probably got rejected since maintainers do not take care of
translations directly. That task belong to us.


El vie., 13 sept. 2019 a las 8:25, Christian Kirbach via gnome-i18n (<>) escribió:

> Am Donnerstag, den 29.08.2019, 07:54 -0400 schrieb Link Dupont:
> > Hi everyone,
> >
> > The 3.34 release notes are ready for translation. The notes are in
> > the
> > gnome-3-34 branch of the release-notes repository[1]. Most images
> > are
> > up as well, so feel free to translate to your local language.
> >
> > 1:
> Hi
> thank you for providing the release notes.
> How are we supposed to upload translated screen-shots?
> Vertimus is not able to do this as of now, and I created a git
> merge request to above branch that got rejected.
> Regards
> Christian
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