I have started to make registration symbols for accordion.
In the accordion world we have a lot of different symbols,
partly because it is a complicated instrument, partly
because some use old non-standard are often used,
partly because there is some disagreement/confusion
between accordionists.

So I will the most normal 20-30 symbols first, and do
the rest when I learn metafont and how LilyPond deals
with fonts.

Is it ok to put the metafont code in mf/feta-accordion.mf
and and the lilypond definition in init/accordion-defs.ly?
feta-accordion.mf will be included into the metafont
source the same way as mf/feta-slag.mf

On the accordion we name the different voices in the
instrument the same way as organ, 4-feet, 8-feet, 16-feet,
but there are no standard names like flute 8' or
trumpet 16' so I will just give the symbols some 
not-so-easy to read names that describes quite exact
what symbol they will produce:

I know the numbers in the names force the user to type
$ before the name, but I see this as the simplest way
to make all the different names. 

Some other questions:
* I have seen some talk about egcs. Do I need it (and
  what version) to compile 1.1-series of LilyPond on 
  linux-i586 or will a new gcc do?
* Should I make patches to mudela-book, and eventually
  accordion symbols against 1.0.17 or 1.1.x?
* Is 1.1.0 supposed to work? I compiled it with guile1.3
  and gcc after editing config.h to enable guile
  support, but it locks or dumps core (sorry don't remember)
  when it produces tex or postscrip output.

Tom Cato Amundsen

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