On 01-Jun-99 Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:

<snip about Classical/Rennaisance/etc. categories>

> Again, this is something that should be in the \header fields of the
> files submitted.  In fact, any kind of database field can be added to
> the header field, just by doing
>     \header {
>           "key" = "value";
>     };

OK. We/I will have to decide a set of guidelines for what is to go in the
\header fields of submitted files.

> Perhaps we can have multiple spellings. One standard form for the
> mutopia archive, and one (preferrably the original cyrillic) spelling
> for the printout.

When you say the original cyrillic do you mean using the actual cyrillic
letters, or a direct translation to English (Latin?) letters? I would have no
idea how to do the first and wouldn't really know which one to choose if you
mean the second - looking up Tchaikovsky in the Oxford Companion to Music gives:

Tchaikovsky (Tschaikowsky, Chaykovski, Chaikovsky, &c)

Is any one of these any more correct than the others? I can include them all in
the database for searching but which one should be printed on the music itself?



Chris Sawer - Sussex, England - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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