This is the proposed list of headers to have in .ly files submitted for

filename = "";
title = "Title";
subtitle = "Subtitle"; (if appropriate)
composer = "Composer"; (Initials then Surname, eg. "J. S. Bach")
opus = "Op. 74, No. 12"; (if appropriate)
instrument = "Whatever"; (could be controversial for early keyboard music -
                          do we put piano, harpsichord, or just keyboard?)
poet = "Poet"; (I presume this is the person who writes the words to the song -
                in English this is generally called the lyricist [lyric writer])
date = "1882"; (if known)
style = "Style" - Early
                These are off the top of my head. They will be selectable from
                a menu on the search screen so if anyone wants to use another
                category then this is not a problem - they'll need to e-mail me
                first. It will be made clear that these are only a rough guide
                and the meaning of Classical.

source = "Urtext" or "Whichever edition" (if appropriate)
editor = "Whoever" (if appropriate - if the only source was already edited
                    text(s) then these should be sufficiently changed so that
                    the person entering the music can be called editor - unless
                    of course the actual editor has given their permission for
                    their edition to be published on Mutopia :-)
arranger = "Whoever" (if appropriate)
enteredby = "Whoever"; (an e-mail address here would be useful for corrections)
copyright = "Public Domain"; (? - this is yet to be decided)
tagline = "Copyright notice"; (Again yet to be decided)

"piece" appears in the documentation but I'm not clear about its meaning - how
was it intended to differ from the title/subtitle?

Comments as always are welcome,



Chris Sawer - Sussex, England - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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