Thanks for all the comments - as ever people have pointed out things I hadn't
considered. I think it's important to get things like this right from the start
as changing when the archive is up and running would be difficult.

This is the revised list of headers to have in .ly files submitted for Mutopia,
which I have now split up into several sections:

Things that actually appear on top of the music:
  title = "Title";
  subtitle = "Subtitle"; (Optional)
  composer = "Composer"; (In whatever form the person entering the music feels
    is appropriate)
  poet = "Poet"; (Poet/Lyricist - I will add this to the website so it comes up
    when searching and displaying the music to download)
  opus = "Opus"; (Optional - if known)
  arranger = "Arranger"; (If appropriate)
  instument = "Instrument(s)"; (Whatever the composer originally wrote for, if
    known, and whatever modern instrument is generally used to play the piece,
    eg. "Harpsichord, Piano")
  metre = "Metre"; (Usually used on hymns - I'll also add this to the table of
    information that comes up when searching for music)
  tagline = "This music is..."; This actually appears right at the end of the
    music and will be related to the "copyright" section (see later). There will
    be a separate tagline (yet to be written) for "Public Domain", "GPL" and any
    other copyrights we decide. It will also mention Lilypond, Mutopia +
    appropriate web addresses

The fields that the Mutopia web site will use to generate its table:
  mutopiatitle = "Title+Subtitle"; (If omitted then "Title: Subtitle" will be
  mutopiacomposer = "L. V. Beethoven (1770-1827)" - initials then full surname,
    then dates. For the purposes of Mutopia "Von" or "Van" will be treated as
    another initial, as anyone searching for Beethoven would look under "B" not
    "V". If the composer's name was originally written in a non-Latin alphabet,
    then put the most often used English translation here, eg. Tchaikovsky". I
    will make it so someone searching for "Chaikovsky" or another varient gets
    an explanation page that directs them to Tchaikovsky. I'll also put up a
    list of what seem to be considered the most used English translations.
    NB. This field is not needed if the "composer" field is already in the
    right format
  mutopiaopus = "Opus" (Not necessary if "opus" is already defined, but for
    pieces without an opus this would contain either the standard "Ohne Opus"
    number or one made up for the purposes of Mutopia [this has yet to be
  date = "1882/Mar/22" - I've had a request that this can be an exact day so
    I've chosen this format because the majority of music will just have the
    year (or decade, or even century! "1880s" "19th C.") so sorting will still
    be relatively easy with a mixture
  source = "Urtext" or "Some Edition" (must be out of copyright!) or "New
    Edition" specifically made for Mutopia
  style = "Style", selected from a list - I'm still investigating if any of
    these lists exist or if we're going to have to make one up ourselves
  copyright = "Public Domain" or "GPL" or whatever. Guidelines need to be drawn
    up for this field

Of course, the Mutopia web site will also use the "poet", "metre" and
"instrument" fields from earlier.

Other fields that are only accessible if you look at the .ly file itself:

  filename = "";
  editor = "Whoever" (if appropriate - if the only source was already edited
    text(s) then these should be sufficiently changed so that the person
    entering the music can be called editor - unless of course the actual editor
    has given their permission for their edition to be published on Mutopia :-)
  maintainer = "Whoever"; (an e-mail address here would be useful for
  lastupdated = "1999/Jun/5"
  firstperformed = "1872/Dec/25" For anyone who knows and is interested

What do you all think?



Chris Sawer - Sussex, England - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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