> This is the proposed list of headers to have in .ly files submitted for
> Mutopia:

I propose that the header fields get different names, so
you don't have to burden the layout with our standards for spelling.


(of course, if these are not specified, composer, title and opus are
the default values).

> instrument = "Whatever"; (could be controversial for early keyboard music -
>                           do we put piano, harpsichord, or just keyboard?)

Perhaps we could allow a list of instruments?

> source = "Urtext" or "Whichever edition" (if appropriate)
> editor = "Whoever" (if appropriate - if the only source was already edited
>                     text(s) then these should be sufficiently changed so that
>                     the person entering the music can be called editor - unless
>                     of course the actual editor has given their permission for
>                     their edition to be published on Mutopia :-)
> arranger = "Whoever" (if appropriate)
> enteredby = "Whoever"; (an e-mail address here would be useful for corrections)

Let's have "maintainer" field instead; it reflects the meaning better,
I think.

> copyright = "Public Domain"; (? - this is yet to be decided)

There are a number of options, like PD, GPL and others.  We should
write a set of guidelines that explain them. 


Han-Wen Nienhuys, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ** GNU LilyPond - The Music Typesetter 

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