Andrew Adams is so right, on every single points he made.

In a few moments (noon UK time) I will post an embargoed proposal from
HEFCE REF that proposes to require exactly what Andrew Adams is urging, for
very much the same reasons.

On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 1:11 AM, Andrew A. Adams <> wrote:

> Peter,
> You're talking about a very narrow subset of science here. I'm talking
> about
> all of academic scholarship that is published in journals. Yes, the stuff
> you're talking about is a small minority of academic research. A quick
> search
> seems to show that much of Crystallography is open access. That's great for
> crystallographers. They're on the ball, clearly. But so few others are!
> Would I like scholarship to be better done (including science)? Oh my word,
> yes. But I don't think we're going to get everyone quickly to revise their
> approaches. We've seen twenty years of trying to get other fields to sort
> themselves out as HE Physics did and as Crystallography appears to have
> done.
> How many other fields have done this? How many people are arguing for it in
> those fields, how many wasted years are we seeing?
> I run across basic barriers of access to my own research needs day in and
> day
> out, as do my students. What I primarily need access to is papers, not
> large
> datasets. Large datasets in my areas of research are limited and nowhere
> near
> as universal as the physical sciences (well-done crystallography data is
> only
> going to be superseded when better tools come along, but social science
> data
> sets are highly time and culture-dependent, while practical computer
> science
> results are often outmoded every eighteen months by Moore's Law).
> If I could get the ACM, the IEEE, the IET to open all their papers held in
> well-developed digital libraries, I would do so. I do argue for them to do
> so
> and they're slowly moving in this direction (ACM at least, the one I'm most
> involved with). But it's slow and they're only a minority (albeit a large
> one) of CS literature and that leaves out the psychology, sociology.
> It sounds to me like the reason that you keep arguing for better data
> mining
> access on papers is because in your field that actual access to the raw
> data
> and the individual's access to papers (a quick search on crystallography
> revealed few barriers, although since I'm at work I'm not sure how many are
> invisible to me because of my work IP address). You're in a privileged
> position if this is so.
> Partly because my work is so interdisciplinary, I see the access barriers
> every day. About half the papers on my hard drive are OA versions. I can
> access far fewer than half of the papers I'd like to see because they're
> neither open access nor inside a subscription that my university pays for.
> So, Peter, when was the last time you wanted personal access to a paper to
> read it (not so that you could data mine it, but so that you could just
> read
> it with your own eyeballs) and couldn't get it? How often does this happen
> to
> you? What proportion of the papers you'd like to read are unavailable to
> you?
> Has what the crystallographers done been good? From the looks of it, it's
> great. But I can't get other fields to do it, because I'm not inside them,
> and since very few of them are showing significant movements in the right
> direction, I'm persuaded that we have to come at this from a different
> angle
> - funders and institutions. If we can get them to work together, then we
> can
> get the majority of papers open. That7s the first step, but only the first
> step, you're right. But once that first step has been taken the rest, I
> believe, will become much much easier to take. Otherwise we're back to
> finding people passionate enough to push through openness in every single
> discipline and most disciplines are nowhere near as cohesive as HE Physics
> and Crystallography.
> --
> Professor Andrew A Adams            
> Professor at Graduate School of Business Administration,  and
> Deputy Director of the Centre for Business Information Ethics
> Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan
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