Albert writes: The cross on which our saviour has died is very important tool 
for me. It has two beams. The vertical and horrizontal. For me the vertical 
beam connects the earth with its human beings and all that is there on the 
planet to Almighty Father who is the sole power in heaven and on earth while 
the horizontal beam connects human beings on the left and the human beings on 
the right to one another. "Love one another as I have loved you " Jesus told us 
before he went to Heaven to the Father. Yet it is so difficult. Do you know why 
cyclones come ? Why houses collapse ? God wants human beings to love one 
another and help one another and as that love has failed God pulls human beings 
with a force. Today love has been replaced with greed. Justice has been 
replaced with injustice. Christmas is coming near. Lord Jesus wants to be born 
again in your stable (yourself) there is too much of dirt and you have no time 
to clean it. While you sing "Gloria with your lips, your heart is full of envy, 
pride, greed which cannot be cleaned. Be born again. Be born wise. The bible 
contains the word of God. The word of God is the life of a body, the food of 
the soul. Touch your heart and feel its pulse. Your heart is longing for the 
love of the Almighty Lord yet you remain far away. God loves you and me even 
though we are greedy for power and money. God loves you unconditionally. You 
pray because you are afraid to die and afraid that God might punish you because 
you are a idol worshipper. Your statues have no life says St.Paul and so you 
too have no life. You just recite insipid prayers .You should pray by uplifting 
your heart .Tears should flow down your eyes when you pray. " Open my eyes 
Lord, that I may see Jesus. To feel and to touch him and be with him forever. 
Open my ears Lord, That I may listen to the word of God and that I may grow 
with the word of God. open my heart Lord, that I may love Jesus. Open my self 
Lord, that I may be with you forever. Pray by reading the psalm. Don't read 
only psalm no 91 like a fool. Read what you feel like reading.Amen              
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