Albert writes:- Many times we are engulfed with pride that we do not understand 
the basic rules to be a christian. The other day I was invited for a wedding at 
Palm Dale little beyond Bom Jesus Convent. The road here and there was blocked 
because of the novenas and as such we had to take a route via the bypass. It 
was eleven thirty night and the driver of the rickshaw in which we were 
travelling was not familiar with the road but went on and on and in the dark 
and under the forest cover one did not know where we had reached but with 
Divine providence carried on and reached a small church or chapel in front of 
which there were some youth playing badminton. One of the youth had spotted a 
nice beard and seems to be a hero of the lot and spoke in salcette accent. But 
what surprised me was when we asked him the direction to reach Panjim he began 
to mock us for not knowing the way. "Tumi Ponje vochpak noklot ? Tumi Ponje 
vochpak noklot tor kuim thaun devleat tor tumi ? " but there was another of the 
lot who told us to go straight and turn right and you will soon reach Panjim. 
We christians who term ourselves as Catholics and we have Mother Mary to 
interceed for us do not know that Mary was always there to help others in need. 
I wanted to cry shame on you but kept cool and quiet too. I just said " Father 
forgive him for he does not know what he is talking about."This particular 
church or chapel as Icould not figure out lies close to the Merces Junction on 
the bypass fromĀ                                          
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