Albert writes:- Can any one tell me as to who has given us the Roman Catholics 
to feel that our religion is a true religion and all other religions are not? 
Our behaviour speaks volumes. Jesus Christ is the word that became flesh. He 
did not start any religion .Christianity came up when the Jews who followed 
Christ started to follow the teachings of Christ. What did Jesus teach ? He 
just taught simple things. 1. To make God Your King and to adore only Him. To 
Love God in the first place before we love any other human beings and likewise 
we are supposed to love each and every human beings because they are God's 
creation. Today what is Roman Catholicism ? Truly speaking it is nothing. There 
is no God in the religion neither there is love in the religion. This religion 
makes us proud people. This religion teaches us to sought glory and to glorify 
ourselves. The rest is history                                    
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