Albert writes:- Caroline was the only daughter while Robert and Andre were her 
brothers. Robert and Andre moved to the west from gulf and settled there 
.Caroline had a bad luck when her husband died leaving her with two small 
children. She moved from her husband's house to her mother's house and stayed 
with her widowed mother. Her brothers never bothered to come down to Goa nor 
even send their mother any money. Caroline managed to feed four mouths by 
working in somebody's kitchen. She felt that her brothers were not interested 
in the property and so she gave up her husband's house and property in favour 
of her brother in law and received a small amount from settlement which she put 
in the fixed deposit. She managed to educate her parents. As years passed by 
her mother's health started to detoriate and most of the savings which she 
managed to get from sale of field product went to pay the bills of the doctors. 
A time came when she had to sell some gold which her mother had to buy 
medicines. Her mother passed away and now she thought she would live a very 
happy life till her sons stood on their own. One fine day both her brothers 
came and they wanted to sell their house. They even managed to get a buyer. 
Caroline was in a fix. where will she go now ? She was not aware as to how much 
the sale of the house would be and how much she would get. Though she tried to 
convince her brothers that she has no house of her own, they were not prepared 
to listen to her as their house would fetch them around a crore and a half. 
Caroline was not aware for how much the brothers sold the house and the 
property .They gave her ten lakhs and with that she managed to buy a small flat 
somewhere .The brothers were contented that they got a big price for the house 
of their parents without spending a pie. How they managed to take their price 
abroad we do not know but the two brothers never felt a bit of uneasiness to 
cheat their only sister.                                        
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