Hallo Aram,

If this did happen as you describe then you have every right to be very 
angry. I also have grave reservations about "Codes of Conduct"  and the 
"kangaroo Courts" that grow up around them.  I have tried to build a 
picture of events using the links you have listed. I am not getting as far 
as I would wish.  I need to ask a you few questions and would like the 
answers to be to the list.  Would you be prepared to help me?

Nigel Vickers

On Thursday, 27 October 2016 13:36:23 UTC+2, Aram Hăvărneanu wrote:
> I have received a very insulting and distressing e-mail from Sarah
> Adams, who claims to represent the The Go Code of Conduct Team, an
> illicit bully organization who claims authority about what Go
> contributors think and say outside the Go mailing lists. I do not
> recognize this group's legitimacy in these matters.

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