hi sal

simpleDB - I agree, I just have not tried it myself so I don't know
how well it performs.

autoscaling - ok, had not seen that as an option. how fast are
instances spun up? (e.g. I can't imagine it's as fast a single request
handler in GAE)

EBS - from the amazon docs:
"A volume can only be attached to one instance at a time, but many
volumes can be attached to a single instance. "

also, from their forum:

GAE/EC2 - I'm not saying its for everyone but in our case it allows us
to handle the longer running processes. They don't happen that often
and when they do, they are run on datasets that can be either sent or
downloaded from the our GAE feeds. we don't store any data there. the
vast majority of access/querying will go through GAE and never touches
EC2. If GAE had long running processes, I'd just use them. hopefully
we'll see that in the future


On Nov 5, 1:17 pm, sal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I think the big draw of GAE over EC2 is the autoscaling, usage based
> > pricing and access to BigTable (although I've not seen a comparison to
> > SimpleDB yet either).
> See my previous post - EC2 seems to allow autoscaling is you choose
> the right images, also. SimpleDB looks like a fairly full featured
> database, offering some complex query options, and is pay-for-what-you-
> consume.
> http://aws.amazon.com/simpledb/
> > I think EC2's biggest flaw so far is the inability to connect multiple
> > instances to a single EBS block (where you would presumably have your
> > database). This limits the scalability of any one database to a
> > single, extra large instance. Maybe Amazon will change this in the
> > future
> I've seen simple scripts that mount the same EBS volume when an
> instance starts... can you give a reference where its not possible?
> > that said, we are using GAE as the front end/storage/query engine and
> > EC2 for backend processing work (when needed). using the two "Cloud"
> > types in tandem has some benefits (although I would love both a Queue
> > and background processing in GAE!)
> If you have access to EC2 already, why not put the frontend there too?
> It would minimize latency / etc.  Just curious... not sure where I see
> the GAE integration as being technically a very attractive option in
> your case...
> Not sure if GAE''s strategy should be 'use us for your frontend,
> because we can't handle the complicated stuff', just doesn't make much
> business sense, and doesn't give developers tons of faith in the
> platform.  (Of course we're just in beta, maybe some new features are
> in the pipe I'm missing?)
> > cheers
> > brian
> > On Nov 5, 1:41 am, sal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > It seems there are images you can choose for EC2 which automatically
> > > > > load balance/scale when you boot new instances...
> > > > Are you sure about that ? I would be glad if you provide some
> > > > reference.
> > >http://highscalability.com/scalr-open-source-auto-scaling-hosting-ama...
> > > "..Scalr is a fully redundant, self-curing and self-scaling hosting
> > > environment utilizing Amazon's EC2. "
> > > "... The health of the farm is continuously monitored and maintained.
> > > When the Load Average on a type of node goes above a configurable
> > > threshold a new node is inserted into the farm to spread the load and
> > > the cluster is reconfigured. When a node crashes a new machine of that
> > > type is inserted into the farm to replace it. ...
> > > ... New machines of this type will be brought online to meet current
> > > levels and the old machines are terminated one by one. ..."
> > > Its also a project hosted on google code ironically enough.
> > >http://code.google.com/p/scalr/
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