The problem with built-in djangoforms and templates is that they are
from Django 0.96. Django 1.0 has a lot of new useful functionality, it
really worth the trouble installing it with your app.

Another advantage of Django is that it allows to implement custom user
authentication, this is especially easy with app-engine-patch. This
was actually the reason I migrated my project from webapp to Django.

Other than that, webapp is a very lightweight yet flexible framework.
If it works for your project, by all means - use it!


On Dec 15, 6:58 pm, Bobby <> wrote:
> Group, i'm starting work on an AppEngine site and i was going to use
> Django (i haven't used it before), i went through the Django docs and
> i saw lots of useful features but many exist already on the AppEngine,
> such as database models and forms (through
> google.appengine.ext.db.djangoforms) - plus the concept of urls and
> views seems to be easily reproduced in AppEngine without much code.
> In addition to this i'm seeing that the Django admin site has been
> replaced by the AppEngine data viewer which isn't as powerful or
> customizable right now, so i'm not seeing alot of reasons to use the
> Django framework (other than wanting to).
> What are the main advantages of using Django on the AppEngine? (i can
> see at least two disadvantages in having an additional layer and added
> configuration/maintenance). Was Django made compatible with the
> AppEngine (through the Appengine Helper for Django) mostly for
> allowing users to port their existing Django apps over or does it
> actually extend AppEngine with added functionality?
> I'm probably missing something, right? Let me know, thanks.
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