I like the Appengine Patch's approach the best so far, i think it's
quite good.

I'll stick with Django in hopes that eventually most of the missing
Django features and apps will be ported over (either by the Django
AppEngine-Helper or the AppEngine-Patch). Right now i've got nothing
to lose.


On Dec 15, 5:49 pm, Alexander Kojevnikov <alexan...@kojevnikov.com>
> > This is using the AppEngine helper (not the patch you linked to). I
> > thought the AppEngine helper would make sure that the Django model
> > methods would delegate to the AppEngine's version transparently but
> > some seem to be missing - why is this?
> app-engine-patch does not try to replace appengine models. You end up
> with the same data access code as with the plain vanilla appengine.
> From their homepage:
>   Conceptual difference [with appengine-helper]: We don't try to
> emulate Django's Model because that's impossible, anyway.
> --www.muspy.com
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