The MVC, self-contained, DRY approach offered by Django is what really
sells it for me at this point (even with the reduced feature set on
the AppEngine). I saw this great video from DjangoCon that really
outlines this strength of Django:

This promotes really good app design. There's alot of docs to go
through to get Django running on the AppEngine (in particular if
you're getting started with both), but once you have a couple of apps
running then it's a breeze, i recommend it.


On Dec 20, 10:36 am, luismgz <> wrote:
> On Dec 15, 4:58 am, Bobby <> wrote:
> > In addition to this i'm seeing that the Django admin site has been
> > replaced by the AppEngine data viewer which isn't as powerful or
> > customizable right now, so i'm not seeing alot of reasons to use the
> > Django framework (other than wanting to).
> > What are the main advantages of using Django on the AppEngine? (i can
> > see at least two disadvantages in having an additional layer and added
> > configuration/maintenance).
> Well, that's exactly what I think of using Django in appengine.
> You don't get one of its most useful features (admin), and you have a
> bloated layer on top of App Engine.
> In my case, I use a lightweight and easier option called "webpy".
> It is very similar to webapp, the built-in GAE framework, but more
> polished, simple and complete (actually, it was the inspiration behind
> webapp).
> Check it out:
> Luis
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