Dear Group Members:

I thought it over again. I found out that in effect the cloud does not today
meet my requirement for security.

I definitively think that this is the place to discuss that project.

I think I have to tell this forum exactly what is my project and that will
give you a better grasp on what is required.

First I don't believe that my  System will have to operate before mid
September: it is a short term for common men it is a very long-term for that
kind of technology.

My project is a very simple one from a technological point of view but it is
very involved in the field of macro economy, money emission and game theory.

I have no doubt that each and everyone of you have the necessary
mathematical knowledge necessary to understand those economic notion but
very few of you are in a position to fully adhere to that system: as John
Maynard Keynes stated famously in his General Theory of Employment Credit
and Money:  "The ideas which are here expressed so laboriously are extremely
simple and should be obvious. The difficulty lies, not in the new ideas, but
in escaping from the old ones, which ramify, for those brought up as most of
us have been, into every corner of our minds."

I have proved that sooner or later this economy will go down the drain. The
cause being the very existence of credit.

The condition of that economic collapse are almost met.

There is no scientific way to date that collapse however it is my estimate,
at the present moment, that this collapse would take place in mid September.

I have determined that no public entity, as we know them today, would be in
a position to crate the condition of a functioning economy in the short

I have determined that the solution would be to create a credit free

I have determined that the only solution would be to create a money emission
institute which is in effect a data base.

The access to this data base must be a wide range of means of
telecommunication, what is today called means of payment.

Access can be made through the internet, which would be the easiest but I
think that it should accept more simple means like very simple cellular
phone or rudimentary dedicated electronic devices.

Although the management of the database can't be delegated the means of
payment, access to the data base and the creation of markets where supply
and demand for good and services would meet, should be the role of private
entities that would sell that kind of services. I call these services
anonymous socio economic networks. They have to be anonymous in order for
people to be able to reclaim their privacy.

If one or several of you want to get more involved in the project and take
some real responsibility which are beyond my technical knowledge I believe
they will have to understand, that is easy, and accept, that is not possible
for everyone, the scientific basis of my economic conclusion. I am ready to
give some of the necessary knowledge that would be required to grasp that

The subject he would have to understand would be:

1- Why the economy will necessarily collapse and under what conditions.

2 - Why people will adhere to that system and why they will trust that

3 -  How we will implement the monetary policy with a credit free currency.


I won't insult you by describing the kind of security such a system would

That system resembles much that of the management of checking account on
which there would be no credit.

Although at the present moment I have very little economic resources, anyone
who would get involved readily understands that economic resources won't be
an issue within a very short period of time.

The person or persons that would care to get involved in that kind of
project need to have a lot of creativity being able to delegate work and
probably, but that is less important, some managerial and leadership
capacity. He would have to be able to imagine how a system on the cloud can
be meet secure which, for now, is a real challenge.

The reason I came to the conclusion that the cloud would be the solution

- Speed and ease of implementation.

- Low cost.

If it is my role to provide the necessary economic knowledge it is for you
to propose the technological solutions which is beyond my capacity.

I am, members of this group, yours sincerely.

On 24 May 2010 07:18, SivaTumma <> wrote:

> I think the cloud is meant for open social, blogs, etc or more
> straight forward, it is for the ones who wish to show off.
> People coined an opinion saying " No one who has to ensure security,
> would probably never use appengine or any cloud.. may be simpleDB of
> amazon".
> People who are considered of security, may have to wait till the
> AppEngine folks introduce their SQL support. probably, that would have
> more security.
> and then, Domain specific access scenario in google apps would
> probably help too.
> But, I hope to see this discussion continue till it resolves in a
> fruitful end-result. ( Something that is reliable, authorized
> information. )
> --
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