Also you forgot to mention
CloudFront to serve all your static files,
load balancer which allows sticky sessions and doing SSL decrypting on
load balancer itself
auto scaling which allows to start/stop extra instances on demand

I tested a simple hello world servlet and on tomcat
for large instance (.34/hr) it did 4500 requests per second
on 3 micro instances (0.02 for each) + load balancer it did 1500
requests per second
on 3 micro instances (0.02 for each) I also tested concurrent load and
it did not have problem with 500 concurrent requests (going at the
same time)
but it slowed it down to 1000 requests per second

On May 22, 9:45 am, Andrei <> wrote:
> There is also a micro instance, which is equivalent of around 3 goog
> instances
> It's 2 cents per hour, and prepaid is even cheaper
> On May 22, 8:34 am, Anders <> wrote:
> > In case this has not been mentioned already, it's important to stress the
> > exponential progress in price/performance in computing power and
> > communication. So over time the prices should go down, and over a period of
> > several years, the prices should go down significantly due to the
> > accelerating technological progress.

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