On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 12:09 PM, Brandon Wirtz <drak...@digerat.com> wrote:
> I figured people would be happy. I’m not on StackOverFlow, so moving to
> there means you don’t have to listen to me anymore.
> My thoughts on the matter…
> While I wanted a space that was more GAE for CTO’s / Project managers, which
> was why I pushed for www.cloudonastring.com as a discussion list, I
> recognize that Stack is not newb frien
We believe the model of Stack Overflow is more appropriate for this
because good content and contributor can be recognized as such through
the reputation system: one example is that you can easily identify the
answer to a question when coming from search without having to dig
into the abyss of multiple forum threads.dly, and a lot of the
questions that
> come through here would not be treated nicely.

Do you have examples of newbie questions that didn't get treated
nicely on Stack Overflow? People (include myself) often ask through
comments to edit the questions for including more information, but
that's really for increase the quality of the content there. The fact
that questions and answers can be edited like a wiki actually make it
less noisy than a long series of interleaved of posts asking for
technical details.

> Letting the Stack community handle questions likely lightens the load on GAE
> team to free them up to do other things, but moving the community to Stack
> also means that you open the community to poachers. People don’t troll here
> looking to say “you know Java on EC2 works really well” or you know that
> PyCloud will run all your GAE apps and doesn’t have the stupid 60 time out
> or scheduler issues.”

I'm not aware of any trolls or poachers on the google-app-engine tag,
and if they were any their answers are likely to get downvoted by the
community (you!).

On the contrary, answers are really focused on the topic raised by the
questions, and mentioning another platform on a questions tagged with
google-app-engine is likely to be considered offtopic and downvoted. I
have never seen answers there like the one you suggested.

> I have a couple of times told people who weren’t finding answer here to
> check Stack, because they are much better at doing things like “I have an
> N-node traveling salesman problem what is the most efficient way to handle
> it with the memory constraints of GAE’s F1 Instance”  but that is really
> about understanding that GAE can’t commit people to answer those questions,
> and most of the hardcore coders on this list get annoyed by the newbs, or
> don’t want to share info for free.

I believe redirecting people with development questions to Stack
Overflow is a good practice and thank you for doing that. However I
don't agree with your sentiment about the App Engine community, a lot
of people in the community are sharing information for free (including
Robert, Jeff, Moraes, you and others) here and on Stack Overflow.

> I stick around this group because as many of you have noticed and complained
> about, when I am testing a performance tweak GAE provides valuable insight
> about how the black box works, and users point me to pitfalls, or better
> optimizations.   That is something that Stack doesn’t encourage. (the would
> probably kick me for doing it)

The general group is still there for more general (but still
technical) discussions that are not a specific development questions
or don't fit Stack Overflow for any reasons. (IIRC you mostly
contribute to the general group anyway, and not language specific
groups like google-appengine-python/java).

> I view this list as the half way between what I want and what the hard core
> coders want.  I don’t know if I think this announcement makes this list more
> that, or less that.

The move from the language specific groups
(google-appengine-python/java) to Stack Overflow for answering
development questions is really about improving the Developer
Experience with a better tool for sharing knowledge.

We believe the model of Stack Overflow is more appropriate for this
because good contents and contributors can be recognized as such
through the reputation and curation system: one example is that you
can easily identify the answer to a question when coming from search
without having to dig into the abyss of multiple forum threads,
another one is that you can easily flag questions as duplicate, or
edit existing content (like a wiki) to improve its quality.clear
things up a bit

Hope that address your concerns.
Johan Euphrosine (proppy)
Developer Programs Engineer
Google Developer Relations

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