On Fri, Dec 7, 2012 at 11:43 AM, Wes <westho...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Short of a change in the rules, I'll have to look elsewhere for the mail
> services (i.e. I'll have to give my money to someone else). This really
> complicates new domain setup.

To be honest... GAE's email system has never been "production quality".
 Every time it comes up in conversation on this list the advice from
longtime users (including myself) is always "use a third-party service".
 It's not complicated - just enqueue a task that submits the (typically
REST) value to Amazon SES or one of the zillions of other companies that
focus on deliverability and customer support.

I don't consider this much of a shortcoming in GAE; there is no inherent
advantage in having email built into Google's infrastructure.  Sending an
email is just an API call either way.  I'd rather have Google focus on
things that third parties can't do well, like add features to the datastore.


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