Google officially 'abandoned' this forum when they moved general support to
stackoverflow, so that's nothing new. And let's be honest, there was really
only one person reliably following this forum before then - Ikai.
Occasionally other folks would chime in but it was pretty much
a one man show, and that one man wanted a change. It happens.

The bigger reason to suspect diminishing commitment to GAE (other than
fairly slow pace of new feature rollouts) is that GAE gets little mention
at I/O.

On the other hand, Google is going "big" into cloud services in general,
and GAE is now just one part of that offering. On the plus side, GAE
benefits a lot by riding that wave - managed VMs, datastore integration
with Compute Engine, a whole new admin console, etc. On the downside, I'm
guessing there's a lot of institutional distraction, and all the "cool
kids" want to work on Compute Engine or whatnot.

And let's not forget that GAE rolled out PHP relatively recently. That must
have taken a lot of development effort (sigh).


On Fri, Oct 31, 2014 at 12:55 AM, PK <> wrote:

> Here are some of my thoughts on topics raised in this thread:
> 1. Google has definitely abandoned this forum, no doubt about this… I am
> not sure if this is on purpose to force more people to buy paid support or
> just because of lack of leadership/ownership as @pdknsk suggests. But it is
> a fact.
> 2. However, abandoning the forum is not the same as Google abandoning
> Google App Engine. By many of my metrics GAE has been improving, I admit
> not with the pace I would have liked but it has been improving.
> 3. The arguments used to reach the conclusion of the paragraph cited
> mostly do not resonate with me. However, the conclusion does.
> 4. But so what?   89% of Google's revenue still comes from advertising.
> Even when it comes to cloud computing, the big battle is happening in IaaS
> and not in PaaS, and there AWS is the major player. So it is to be expected
> that GAE is not a major priority. But again so what? Google has about
> 45,000 full time employees. What if only, let’s say, 250 employees—I made
> this number up---work directly on GAE? It is a minor priority but it could
> still be a great platform especially when it leverages the Google
> infrastructure.
> So, I remain cautiously optimistic….
> PK
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