First a couple of rhetorical questions to you:

a) why do you think JQuery and GWT are equivalent?
b) why do you think the sites of the JQuery list are probably led by
some smart, deep-thinking, open-minded individuals (IBM's web site
might not necessarily be built by IBM....)?
c) why do you think the GWT list you pointed to is definitive? (try
this as at least one update:

You use the tools appropriate to the job and for which is the "least"
cost to you.

To me, JQuery is a "simple" library best suited to evolving aspects to
a web site using the JavaScript language; GWT is more suited to
building applications and is more than just using Java - you get,
amongst other things:

a) One base code that drives code for all browsers with the well
managed approach called deferred binding when you hit across a
situation where one browser (we know the now) does things differently
- driving down you costs of development.

b) The same code for browsers can quickly become widgets and gadgets,
using different linkers - again driving down cost of development.

c) You use modern development practices and tools - IDE with
autocomplete, refactoring, JUnit, Maven, Ant etc - there's a real
reason why we've enhanced software development over the years to
invent and use these tools; they will drive down costs for
(complicated) developments.

d) You get generators that allow you to combine / generate new stuff
from source stuff - ok that's vague, but this is a real example of
where GWT is more than just a Java to JavaScript compiler.  You get
ImageBundles, meaning in source you manage your images separately and
you let GWT pull those together into one image at compile time that
can be accessed as "sprites" in run-time - you save wire-space, cut
down on server requests meaning increased user experience, and there
are more like this is on the way.  Yes you can do all this by hand,
but that all costs time and money, with GWT it comes for free when
hitting the compile button.

e) Same language client and sever side, but with flexibility to use
whatever server side you want.

f) Aggressive reduction in code size from libraries, both your own and/
or 3rd party libraries - all decreasing load size and increasing user

g) Ability (soon) seemlessly defer loading of functionality until it's
needed - i.e. if you have a 4 tab application load only the code for
tabs as they are needed - again decreasing initial application load
and increasing user experience

h) I would argue in Java it is easier to see how to "defer" creation
of objects in order to decrease initialisation time of applications -
maybe that is just me, but the ability to use IDE and refactoring to
support this greatly helps.

Look at the sites on your JQuery list, and most are really web sites/
pages that are using JQuery to add some fancy effects or some
manipulation of DOM - it doesn't identify, for example, how much of
the site uses JQuery - whereas your GWT list is pure GWT applications
on mostly the whole site; the lists are not really comparable in terms
of functionality; I do though, get your point on why aren't IBM, Dell,
BBC using GWT - the answer I suggest is three-fold

a) These are (mostly) web sites not web applications and have lots of
legacy content.  They are going to possibly struggle to justify the
benefit of GWT in comparison to cost already sunk, and a large number
of them don't need to - why move to mechanised looms if your
comfortable with your current cloth being produced?

b) Look at the basic purpose of most of those sites, especially the
featured ones; they are effectively brand advertising, and as such
need to be indexed by search engines otherwise their return on
investment is zero.  JQuery is good at keeping that, as you generally
load HTML which is then manipulated by JavaScript - this way, the
search engine can index the HTML and the user sees a slightly flashier
version.  Sure, you can do a similar thing with GWT but not in such an
elegant manner - but the point of GWT is to build applications not web

c) The teams behind it would probably need investement in retooling
and training to use GWT and certainly given the first point above,
this cost could outweigh any benefit.

If you're building a new web application, then GWT is certainly a top
candidate that should be investigated, why would you not want
something that is promising to cut down your overall through life
costs (apart from the cost of retooling your team)?  I would also
argue that with GWT you can build more complicated web applications
simpler than you could with JQuery.  For example, look at Chronoscope
( and it's associated blog to see
how it was developed and available in many many different forms from
single GWT base.

What would be fascinating to see is the results of an actual study on
the comaprison of the development of a web application using several
of the competing and complimentary libraries/toolkits/frameworks.

So back to the first point, use the tool that is most appropriate for
what has to be done, within the constraints you may have and the
expectations users/client has.


On 23 Nov, 07:42, adam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm not sure which people you're talking about, but I can't believe
> that the people who head large projects like the ones mentioned in the
> jQuery link don't update their knowledge of available tools and their
> development status on a regular basis. I think the answer must lie
> elsewhere.
> On Nov 22, 10:20 pm, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > From what I've seen is that a lot of people looked at GWT in it's
> > really early stages and never really thought "Hey, they're probably
> > adding features and making everything work easier" so they don't end
> > up looking back at it.
> > On Nov 22, 9:58 pm, adam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I see here big
> > > projects, most of which are probably led by some smart, deep-thinking,
> > > open-minded individuals, are using jQuery and hand-written javascript.
> > > I notice that this list of projects using 
> > > GWT't
> > > look as impressive.
> > > Why are leaders on big projects deciding to use tools other than GWT?
> > > Do they have any good reasons to not use GWT? Should they use GWT? If
> > > so, why?
> > > If this has already been covered in another post, please point me to
> > > it; no need to reinvent the wheel.
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