I think this is absolutely right:

> I do though, get your point on why aren't IBM, Dell,
> BBC using GWT - the answer I suggest is three-fold
> a) These are (mostly) web sites not web applications and have lots of
> legacy content.  They are going to possibly struggle to justify the
> benefit of GWT in comparison to cost already sunk, and a large number
> of them don't need to - why move to mechanised looms if your
> comfortable with your current cloth being produced?
> b) Look at the basic purpose of most of those sites, especially the
> featured ones; they are effectively brand advertising, and as such
> need to be indexed by search engines otherwise their return on
> investment is zero.  JQuery is good at keeping that, as you generally
> load HTML which is then manipulated by JavaScript - this way, the
> search engine can index the HTML and the user sees a slightly flashier
> version.  Sure, you can do a similar thing with GWT but not in such an
> elegant manner - but the point of GWT is to build applications not web
> sites.

Also big sites that are applications (the Amazons etc of this world)
are not going to rewrite everything just like that. For building a new
RIA, for building new business applications or for building
replacement browser UI to existing back end business systems, GWT is a
very strong candidate.


c) The teams behind it would probably need investement in retooling
> and training to use GWT and certainly given the first point above,
> this cost could outweigh any benefit.
> If you're building a new web application, then GWT is certainly a top
> candidate that should be investigated, why would you not want
> something that is promising to cut down your overall through life
> costs (apart from the cost of retooling your team)?  I would also
> argue that with GWT you can build more complicated web applications
> simpler than you could with JQuery.  For example, look at Chronoscope
> (http://timepedia.org/chronoscope/) and it's associated blog to see
> how it was developed and available in many many different forms from
> single GWT base.
> What would be fascinating to see is the results of an actual study on
> the comaprison of the development of a web application using several
> of the competing and complimentary libraries/toolkits/frameworks.
> So back to the first point, use the tool that is most appropriate for
> what has to be done, within the constraints you may have and the
> expectations users/client has.
> //Adam
> On 23 Nov, 07:42, adam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm not sure which people you're talking about, but I can't believe
> > that the people who head large projects like the ones mentioned in the
> > jQuery link don't update their knowledge of available tools and their
> > development status on a regular basis. I think the answer must lie
> > elsewhere.
> > On Nov 22, 10:20 pm, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > wrote:
> > > From what I've seen is that a lot of people looked at GWT in it's
> > > really early stages and never really thought "Hey, they're probably
> > > adding features and making everything work easier" so they don't end
> > > up looking back at it.
> > > On Nov 22, 9:58 pm, adam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > I see herehttp://docs.jquery.com/Sites_Using_jQuerythatlotsofbig
> > > > projects, most of which are probably led by some smart, deep-thinking,
> > > > open-minded individuals, are using jQuery and hand-written javascript.
> > > > I notice that this list of projects using 
> > > > GWThttp://www.ociweb.com/mark/programming/GWT.html#WhoIsUsingItdoesn't
> > > > look as impressive.
> > > > Why are leaders on big projects deciding to use tools other than GWT?
> > > > Do they have any good reasons to not use GWT? Should they use GWT? If
> > > > so, why?
> > > > If this has already been covered in another post, please point me to
> > > > it; no need to reinvent the wheel.
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