On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 6:30 AM, Ian Bambury <ianbamb...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Well, I took the 1.6.4 SDK out since I'm developing and don't want to find
> any nasty surprises. I added 1.6.2 via the GEP, took the jars off the
> classpath and now the compile gives me the errors below. It compiles from
> hosted mode OK
> No doubt there are plans for the future, but I'm wondering how much use the
> plugin would be to me right at the moment even it it were working.
> It's taken a lot of time to get to this point: it wouldn't download, then
> when it finally did, it wouldn't install, and now it's installed it doesn't
> work. That's probably my fault because I don't know what I'm doing, but
> surely if it worked before installing the plugin, it should work with the
> plugin. It's a valid project.

Were either of the detailed install instructions for eclipse 3.3 (
http://code.google.com/eclipse/docs/install-eclipse-3.3.html ) or 3.4 (
http://code.google.com/eclipse/docs/install-eclipse-3.4.html ) helpful?
 What problems, specifically, did you run into?

> Why doesn't it assume that I still want to use the version of the SDK that
> I was using before? Why would anyone want to have a different version, which
> might well have methods removed - even between a release candidate being a
> candidate for release and actually being released?

When you enable GWT or App Engine on a project it lets you pick which SDK
version to use.  Right now, it limits you to the ones which you have
registered with the workspace.  So you should be able to add 1.6.2 to the
workspace as Alex described and select that SDK version for use with your
project.  You can find out more information about how we support multiple
versions of the SDK here:
http://code.google.com/eclipse/docs/using_sdks.html .

> Anyway, here's the current state of play.
> Compiling module com.roughian.rxframework.Module
>    Refreshing module from source
>       Validating newly compiled units
>          Removing units with errors
>             [ERROR] Errors in
> 'file:/D:/work/gwt/workspace/Projects/RXFramework-'
>                [ERROR] Line 11: No source code is available for type
> com.google.gwt.json.client.JSONObject; did you forget to inherit a required
> module?
>             [ERROR] Errors in
> 'file:/D:/work/gwt/workspace/Projects/RXFramework-'
>                [ERROR] Line 73: No source code is available for type
> com.google.gwt.json.client.JSONObject; did you forget to inherit a required
> module?
>                [ERROR] Line 78: No source code is available for type
> com.google.gwt.json.client.JSONValue; did you forget to inherit a required
> module?
>                [ERROR] Line 81: No source code is available for type
> com.google.gwt.json.client.JSONArray; did you forget to inherit a required
> module?
>                [ERROR] Line 111: No source code is available for type
> com.google.gwt.json.client.JSONBoolean; did you forget to inherit a required
> module?
>                [ERROR] Line 124: No source code is available for type
> com.google.gwt.json.client.JSONParser; did you forget to inherit a required
> module?
>                [ERROR] Line 222: No source code is available for type
> com.google.gwt.json.client.JSONNumber; did you forget to inherit a required
> module?
>                [ERROR] Line 250: No source code is available for type
> com.google.gwt.json.client.JSONString; did you forget to inherit a required
> module?
>          Removing invalidated units
>             [WARN] Compilation unit
> 'file:/D:/work/gwt/workspace/Projects/RXFramework-'
> is removed due to invalid reference(s):
>                [WARN]
> file:/D:/work/gwt/workspace/Projects/RXFramework-
>                [WARN]
> file:/D:/work/gwt/workspace/Projects/RXFramework-
>             [WARN] Compilation unit
> 'file:/D:/work/gwt/workspace/Projects/RXFramework-'
> is removed due to invalid reference(s):
>                [WARN]
> file:/D:/work/gwt/workspace/Projects/RXFramework-
>                [WARN]
> file:/D:/work/gwt/workspace/Projects/RXFramework-
>             [WARN] Compilation unit
> 'file:/D:/work/gwt/workspace/Projects/RXFramework-'
> is removed due to invalid reference(s):
>                [WARN]
> file:/D:/work/gwt/workspace/Projects/RXFramework-
>                [WARN]
> file:/D:/work/gwt/workspace/Projects/RXFramework-
>             [WARN] Compilation unit
> 'file:/D:/work/gwt/workspace/Projects/RXFramework-'
> is removed due to invalid reference(s):
>                [WARN]
> file:/D:/work/gwt/workspace/Projects/RXFramework-
>                [WARN]
> file:/D:/work/gwt/workspace/Projects/RXFramework-
>             [WARN] Compilation unit
> 'file:/D:/work/gwt/workspace/Projects/RXFramework-'
> is removed due to invalid reference(s):
>                [WARN]
> file:/D:/work/gwt/workspace/Projects/RXFramework-
>             [WARN] Compilation unit
> 'file:/D:/work/gwt/workspace/Projects/RXFramework-'
> is removed due to invalid reference(s):
>                [WARN]
> file:/D:/work/gwt/workspace/Projects/RXFramework-
>                [WARN]
> file:/D:/work/gwt/workspace/Projects/RXFramework-
>             [WARN] Compilation unit
> 'file:/D:/work/gwt/workspace/Projects/RXFramework-'
> is removed due to invalid reference(s):
>                [WARN]
> file:/D:/work/gwt/workspace/Projects/RXFramework-
>             [WARN] Compilation unit
> 'file:/D:/work/gwt/workspace/Projects/RXFramework-'
> is removed due to invalid reference(s):
>                [WARN]
> file:/D:/work/gwt/workspace/Projects/RXFramework-
>             [WARN] Compilation unit
> 'file:/D:/work/gwt/workspace/Projects/RXFramework-'
> is removed due to invalid reference(s):
>                [WARN]
> file:/D:/work/gwt/workspace/Projects/RXFramework-
>             [WARN] Compilation unit
> 'file:/D:/work/gwt/workspace/Projects/RXFramework-'
> is removed due to invalid reference(s):
>                [WARN]
> file:/D:/work/gwt/workspace/Projects/RXFramework-
>             [WARN] Compilation unit
> 'file:/D:/work/gwt/workspace/Projects/RXFramework-'
> is removed due to invalid reference(s):
>                [WARN]
> file:/D:/work/gwt/workspace/Projects/RXFramework-
>    Computing all possible rebind results for
> 'com.roughian.rxframework.client.demo.Main'
>       Rebinding com.roughian.rxframework.client.demo.Main
>          Checking rule <generate-with
> class='com.google.gwt.user.rebind.ui.ImageBundleGenerator'/>
>             [ERROR] Unable to find type
> 'com.roughian.rxframework.client.demo.Main'
>                [ERROR] Hint: Previous compiler errors may have made this
> type unavailable
>                [ERROR] Hint: Check the inheritance chain from your module;
> it may not be inheriting a required module or a module may not be adding its
> source path entries properly
> >


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