If I get a spare time-slot I'll give it a go again, but as I said a couple
of emails ago, I did that 2 days ago to remove the GEP after I needed to get
rid of it. Therefore, the latest install *was* clean (apart from a few
preferences I'd changed and importing my formatting settings. Windows was
only re-installed from scratch about 4 weeks ago. You can't be suggesting
that everyone ought to re-install Eclipse from scratch and than immediately
install the GEP before they even leave the welcome screen it they want to be
sure, can you
And I know you keep giving me the longinstall link, but I have only ever
been trying to install the plugin and GWT 1.6.4 SDK. Even it that weren't
the case, surely progress would have increased by at least 1 percent when
left for 8 or 9 hours overnight?

But if I get a break where I don't need to use Eclipse for a while, I'll
re-install it and try from scratch again.



2009/4/21 Rajeev Dayal <rda...@google.com>

> Hey Ian,
> If you're ok with reinstalling Eclipse, this is what I'd suggest:
> 1) Blow away your old version of Eclipse, and install a completely clean
> version of Eclipse
> 2) Start it up with a completely new workspace
> 3) Try to install the plugin as before, *BUT make sure you follow the
> instructions in this FAQ entry before hitting the install button:
> http://code.google.com/eclipse/docs/faq.html#longinstall*
> That should get you going, and completely past the hangs that happen in
> Eclipse 3.4 in the "Computing Requirements and Dependencies" step of the
> install process.
> If you're not ok with reinstalling Eclipse, let me know, and we can try and
> work through removing all the old, corrupted artifacts of the failed plugin
> installs so that you can install the plugin from scratch.
> Rajeev
> On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 1:43 PM, Ian Bambury <ianbamb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Update...
>> I just uninstalled the GWT SDK, and then the plug-in and applied the
>> changes. Both disappeared from the Installed Software tab.
>> I restarted Eclipse.
>> Now I have 'Google Plugin for Eclipse 3.4' on the Installed Software tab,
>> but if I select it, the Uninstall button remains disabled.
>> I also have 'Plugin' under Google Update Site for Eclipse 3.4 on the
>> Available Software tab, but if I select it, the Install button remains
>> disabled.
>> I'm a bit stuck for options here.
>> Ian
>> http://examples.roughian.com
>> 2009/4/21 Ian Bambury <ianbamb...@gmail.com>
>> Hi Rajeev,
>>> I've got:
>>> Eclipse Version: 3.4.0 - Build id: I20080617-2000
>>> java.runtime.version=1.6.0_13-b03
>>> As I said, if I go to Software Updates, Installed Software shows the GEP
>>> and GWT SDK as installed. Available Software shows the plugin (but no
>>> install option is available) and the AppEngine SDK, but if there is another
>>> way to check, just let me know - Help | About | Plug-in details doesn't show
>>> it.
>>> It locked up during "computing requirements and dependencies"
>>> The only errors to do with Google showing in the log are from failed
>>> compiles back when I tried to use the GEP the first time.
>>> I've reset the perspective - nothing happened except that I had to put it
>>> back how I like it :-)  (only takes a moment)
>>> I'm quite happy to play about if it's any use, but apart from repeatedly
>>> uninstalling and re-installing, I'm not too sure what to do next.
>>> Ian
>>> http://examples.roughian.com
>>> 2009/4/21 Rajeev Dayal <rda...@google.com>
>>> Hey Ian,
>>>> Just thought I'd mention that I tried something to repro your problem.
>>>> Our plugin does not work if you're running Eclipse under a pre-1.5 JVM, and
>>>> some of the symptoms that we've seen is that the plugin icons/menu
>>>> contributions will not show up. However, we've only seen this when we've
>>>> been using Eclipse's dev environment to debug the plugin.
>>>> I tried to repro this by running clean Eclipse 3.3 and Eclipse 3.4
>>>> installs with a 1.4 JVM, but Eclipse did not even run - it threw up an 
>>>> error
>>>> dialog indicating that a 1.5+ JVM is required. So, it looks like a pre-1.5
>>>> JVM cannot cause this sort of problem with the plugin out in the field.
>>>> Rajeev
>>>> On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 9:41 AM, Rajeev Dayal <rda...@google.com>wrote:
>>>>> Hey Ian,
>>>>> Thanks for the information. Responses inline:
>>>>> On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 7:26 PM, Ian Bambury <ianbamb...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Rajeev,
>>>>>> Thanks for the response.
>>>>>>  When you tried to install it again, did you install it in a clean
>>>>>>> version of Eclipse, or was it the version that you were using with all 
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> failed installation attempts? It may be the case that you need to 
>>>>>>> uninstall
>>>>>>> the plugin, and then try to reinstall it. Preferably, if possible, start
>>>>>>> with a clean install of Eclipse and a clean workspace, and try and 
>>>>>>> install
>>>>>>> again (but follow the instructions in the FAQ entry mentioned above - 
>>>>>>> they
>>>>>>> will greatly speed up the install process).
>>>>>> It was a clean, new Eclipse installation. I was only trying to install
>>>>>> the GEP and the GWT SDK, nothing else. Eclipse locked up showing 31%
>>>>>> completed, nothing moving except the progress indicator (no actual 
>>>>>> progress,
>>>>>> just animation). Cancel didn't do anything (except disable the cancel
>>>>>> button) and after some time - in the region of 30 minutes - I went back 
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> nothing had changed. There was no option but to kill it in task manager.
>>>>> This is definitely odd. It must have been some network problem, but I'm
>>>>> not sure which side it occurred on. One thing I do know is that Eclipse 
>>>>> does
>>>>> not fail gracefully in such situations. Do you remember exactly what text
>>>>> was in the dialog at the time? Was it saying something like "computing
>>>>> requirements and dependencies", or was it saying "downloading", or maybe
>>>>> "installing"?
>>>>>> The second attempt of the current series, it installed in 30 seconds
>>>>>> or so. I'm not sure exactly, I was watching TV, but it wasn't long at 
>>>>>> all.
>>>>>> Now if I go to Software Updates, Installed Software shows the GEP and
>>>>>> GWT SDK as installed. Available Software shows the plugin (but no install
>>>>>> option is available) and the AppEngine SDK.
>>>>> Does Installed Software also show the plugin as installed? Available
>>>>> Software should really not have any of the components as installable, if
>>>>> they've already been installed (unless you have the "Include items that 
>>>>> have
>>>>> already been installed" checkbox checked).
>>>>>> The IDE doesn't have the two icons I had when it finally installed
>>>>>> last time, ordinary menu options are also not there (in File|New, or
>>>>>> right-clicking a project - nothing new)
>>>>> Try going to  Window -> Reset Perspective (or, on the Mac, Eclipse ->
>>>>> Reset Perspective). Does that help? Also, do you see any errors reported 
>>>>> in
>>>>> the error log? Go to Window -> Show View -> Error Log (or, on the Mac,
>>>>> Eclipse -> Show View -> Error Log) to display the error log view.
>>>>>>> I'm sorry that you had to go through all of this. Bad things can
>>>>>>> happen when components are not properly installed, as you experienced. 
>>>>>>> This
>>>>>>> should not be the normal experience at all. Is your project/Eclipse 
>>>>>>> back in
>>>>>>> a working state? If not, let me know and I'll help you to get it back to
>>>>>>> normal.
>>>>>> Yes, despite unchecking the project as a GWT one in the GEP options,
>>>>>> and after the uninstall apparently working OK, there were still GEP 
>>>>>> changes
>>>>>> in there stopping the project working. Having sorted that out, as I said,
>>>>>> context assist didn't know about GWT classes. That is now fixed, too.
>>>>>> I tried the -clean option (thanks Isaac) but unfortunately it didn't
>>>>>> make any difference. That was after restarting Eclipse, then rebooting 
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> machine.
>>>>>> I'm not particularly worried about getting it working. As I said, I
>>>>>> was only re-installing it in order to answer the questions I was asked
>>>>>> before.
>>>>> Thanks for going through all of this in order to give us some useful
>>>>> information. We appreciate it.
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Ian
> >

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