Hi Ian,

I'm sorry that your experience installing the plugin has been frustrating.

On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 3:36 PM, Ian Bambury <ianbamb...@gmail.com> wrote:

> 2009/4/20 Miguel Méndez <mmen...@google.com>
>> On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 6:30 AM, Ian Bambury <ianbamb...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>> Well, I took the 1.6.4 SDK out since I'm developing and don't want to
>>> find any nasty surprises. I added 1.6.2 via the GEP, took the jars off the
>>> classpath and now the compile gives me the errors below. It compiles from
>>> hosted mode OK
>>> No doubt there are plans for the future, but I'm wondering how much use
>>> the plugin would be to me right at the moment even it it were working.
>>> It's taken a lot of time to get to this point: it wouldn't download, then
>>> when it finally did, it wouldn't install, and now it's installed it doesn't
>>> work. That's probably my fault because I don't know what I'm doing, but
>>> surely if it worked before installing the plugin, it should work with the
>>> plugin. It's a valid project.
>> Were either of the detailed install instructions for eclipse 3.3 (
>> http://code.google.com/eclipse/docs/install-eclipse-3.3.html ) or 3.4 (
>> http://code.google.com/eclipse/docs/install-eclipse-3.4.html ) helpful?
>>  What problems, specifically, did you run into?
> When I finally got it installed, then it does tell you what you should be
> aiming for. It does at least tell you that you did the 'proper' thing and
> therefore it should be working even if it isn't.
> But first there were errors downloading it, it just sat there working out
> dependencies. I left it for varying periods of up to an hour, but every time
> I had to kill it via Task Manager as Cancel didn't work (or hadn't atfer
> another hour).
> For example, in order to answer your questions, I have just tried to
> re-install the GEP and it hung the first time. It just sits there at 31%. On
> the first round of attempts, on about the 10th try, I left it overnight and
> in the morning after 8 hours it was still the same.

This is a problem, especially with Eclipse 3.4. See this FAQ entry:


> On the second attempt (this time around), it installed (I think) but
> nothing shows up in the toolbar or on the menus despite restarting Eclipse,
> and then (when that didn't work) rebooting the computer.  Under Software
> Updates it shows as installed, but there's nothing new in the IDE. And I
> know this version *can* at least show up because it did before I gave up on
> it and uninstalled it.

When you tried to install it again, did you install it in a clean version of
Eclipse, or was it the version that you were using with all the failed
installation attempts? It may be the case that you need to uninstall the
plugin, and then try to reinstall it. Preferably, if possible, start with a
clean install of Eclipse and a clean workspace, and try and install again
(but follow the instructions in the FAQ entry mentioned above - they will
greatly speed up the install process).

> Uninstalling left the classpath screwed up on my (previously working), and
> having fixed that, context assist went missing from Eclipse for all Google
> elements. Literally hours of faffing about later, I was back where I was
> before installing it, having had to wipe out and re-install Eclipse and
> still un-screw what the GEP had done to my project.

> Like I say, if I knew what I was doing, then it would not take so long, but
> who does when they are using something new.

I'm sorry that you had to go through all of this. Bad things can happen when
components are not properly installed, as you experienced. This should not
be the normal experience at all. Is your project/Eclipse back in a working
state? If not, let me know and I'll help you to get it back to normal.

> I dare say the instructions are fine were everything to install and work
> properly, I can't really say, having never got it to work - what I
> personally need is help when things don't work as per the instructions.
> Like now. The GEP is installed (apparently) but there are no icons in the
> toolbar or entries in the menus - and no instructions to help you out should
> that happen.
> If the GEP appears or if I have the time to uninstall/reinstall until it
> does, I will try to recreate what I did before so I can give proper
> details.

Thanks again. To reiterate, if you can start off with a clean Eclipse
install and a clean workspace, and try to reinstall the plugin, that would
be best. You can then re-import your existing project, but before doing
that, we'll need to modify your .classpath and .project files to get rid of
any existing plugin artifacts (really the references to the GWT and App
Engine SDKs, and refrences to the GWT/App Engine natures and builders).

> Ian
> >

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