From: Robert Raszuk Sent: Friday, March 17, 2017 1:34 PM

​> ​
The primary benefit is the use of a well-known community

​Not that long ago we went via tsunami ​of IDR on and offline emails when 
discussing large communities which contained  "operators" voice stating *NO* to 
any well known or predefined meaning to the communities nor welcomed any 
predefined actions associated with the communities.

Everyone wants to assign his own and inform interested parties about such 
meaning. Has that already changed just few weeks after the RFC was issued :-) ?

1.    the peer initiating the shutdown (A) sends its peer (B) a NOTIFICATION 
with a new error code that means “I’m going away shortly, please start 
re-converging and let me know when you’re done”.

2.    B attempts to re-converge around the paths learnt from A (possibly 
needing to initiate a route-refresh in the process?), and once it no longer has 
any of those routes in its FIB sends A back a further NOTIFICATION saying “I’m 
finished” and then shuts the session down.

3.    If A hasn’t heard back within a configurable timeout, then it yanks the 
session anyway.
​Yes that's good summary. ​

If so, that sounds like a hell of a lot of new protocol spec

I don't think this is that complex. And use of NOTIFICATION message was just an 
example. One could also put it in new OPERATIONAL message.

[Bruno] You are welcome to write such a draft and have it implemented.
Again, draft-ietf-grow-bgp-gshut is using a BGP community for the signaling as 
it brings compatibility with vanilla routers.


​Anyhow just a suggestion how to improve protocol if there is real need. If 
this however as you said "fairly marginal issue" then let's not bother.



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