So far my ABS is probably OK, but I ride carefully and don't lock the 
wheels, so I don't really test the ABS. But I'm still a worrywart. I'd like 
to know what people are doing about it when their ABS fails outside 
warranty. There seem to be a few choices:
        1. ignore it, ride without ABS
        2. pay the price to repair it (what does it cost?)
        3. seal it off (I've heard of this, but how is it done?)
        4. wait for Yamaha to recall it (bet no one can hold their breath that 
        5. rebuild it (sounds difficult, and as if Yamaha mechanics can't do it)

I wonder if members of the list have tried these (mainly 1-3). Are we sure 
that if we repair it and then change the fluid regularly the problem won't 
happen again? Can the ABS be sealed off, making a Euro-style non-ABS bike 
that performs as it should? Do we know the cost of these alternatives, in 
repair bills and in resale value?  If mine failed I think I'd prefer to say 
goodbye to the ABS (# 3) rather than have a prolonged hassle with it: the 
brakes are terrific, used as regular bike brakes.

Gil H.

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