
>   1. ignore it, ride without ABS

I still have front but no rear. 

>   2. pay the price to repair it (what does it cost?)

About $2000.00.  The thieves.  

>   3. seal it off (I've heard of this, but how is it done?)

Not sure.  Removal of excess componenentry I guess.  I'd like to hear from 
someone who has done so. 

>   4. wait for Yamaha to recall it (bet no one can hold their breath that 
>  long)

Not going to happen.  Apparently, from the survey of this very list, there 
are only 19 or so documented failures, at least those who bothered to return 
the form.  Furthermore, unlike Buell, HD and others, Yamaha is not seemingly 
real interested in taking care of a bike that has been out there a while and 
won't make extra cash in the future.  If I'm wrong, give an example of Yamaha 
taking care of this ABS problem, but Yamaha's current official response is 
that "there are no failures that they have heard of." 

>   5. rebuild it (sounds difficult, and as if Yamaha mechanics can't do it)

Might not be too hard.  It's just nuts and bolt and some corrosion.  It was 
posted, but the person who posted the instructions got some negative feedback 
via the list and is probably unwilling to post again.  Can't blame him. 
>  I wonder if members of the list have tried these (mainly 1-3). 

I plan to take mine apart and try.  Not going to spend $2,000 for someone not 
any smarter than me on the subject to "try" to fix it. 

>Are we sure 
>  that if we repair it and then change the fluid regularly the problem won't 
>  happen again? 

See above.  BTW, regular fluid maintenence is not the singular factor of 
failure.  Non use maybe, but not fluid maintenence if once per year is 
criteria for maintenence.  Trust me.  Who knows, it does not say in the 
manual.  Other brands, BMW for instance, have not had such corrosion problems 
to my knowledge.  

>Can the ABS be sealed off, making a Euro-style non-ABS bike 
>  that performs as it should? Do we know the cost of these alternatives, in 
>  repair bills and in resale value?  

Who cares?  Sell it now if resale is your only concern because more than 
likely it will eventually happen to you.  Sounds to me like you enjoy your 
GTS though.  I would imagine that a buyer would deduct (mentally) at least 
$1800 for non-functional ABS. 

If mine failed I think I'd prefer to say 
>  goodbye to the ABS (# 3) rather than have a prolonged hassle with it: the 
>  brakes are terrific, used as regular bike brakes.

I think I agree with you Gil.  However, I can't make it too much worse for 
trying to fix it... Certainly no worse than non-functional.  Thanks to 
lawyers and Yamaha, this will continue to be a problem for GTS riders. 


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