Joe Loss--I also have not gotten you my information, mainly because I'm a
flake, but I do intend to share it with you.  Add another tally mark to your

The thread running around is like deja-vu to me.  For me, personally, the
issue of rebuilding the HU was a challenge, but rewarding.  I had a painful
experience shipping my HU to England to have it messed up for me.  I was
faced with a non-working HU on a bike that I was preparing to sell--biiiig
OH CRAP to the resale value of the bike.  I had nothing to lose and $1800 to
gain by diving in and seeing what I could do.

I thank Kevin Hawkins for providing the web space to share the refurbish
process with all of you.  I still haven't heard if anyone else has tried it
yet, based on the information provided.  I'm of the opinion that if you're
capable of shimming your own valves or tearing down a carburetor assembly,
you're capable of rebuilding your own HU.  You do need to be meticulous and
careful, but it is possible.  My unit works like new.  If anyone is getting
ready to try, please share information with me offline if you have
questions/comments/concerns/etc. so that we can share it with the group.
More pictures would be helpful in some instances.

Joe--I'm a very interested spectator in whatever works out with Yamaha.  For
me, I tried their 800 customer service line and I got nowhere.  I had to do
what I could outside of spending $1800 and it worked out fine for me.  I
will consider rebuilding other's HU's, but only with a written understanding
of release of liability.  Interested parties, reply offline to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] do not use my work address as I can get canned for
such things.  It may take time to get replies out--newborns tend to
obliterate available spare time (right Kevin?).

Venting . . . .

Terry Baker

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