Quoting Kathy Page <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I found this painting in an Italian book (funny, that
given the language the citation I can't read below the
painting is written in. *G*) And fell in love with
this dress, but I can't find barely anything about the
painter, the sitter or the location of the painting in
vain hope of finding a colour copy. Does anyone have
any clues?

Ooh, cool!  No, I haven't.  What can you tell me about the book?

I've looked at enough Italian paintings to be able to pigeon out the
title and stuff.

"Attributed  A. Jean Bahuet -- Portrait of lady of the court of Isabella
-- dated ? before ? 1540 -- Palazzo Ducale, Mantova (Ducal Palace,
Mantova).  I can't wait to see if you can track down a color copy!

Susan Farmer
University of Tennessee
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

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