On Thu, 29 Dec 2005, Kathy Page wrote:

> I found this painting in an Italian book (funny, that given the
> language the citation I can't read below the painting is written in.
> *G*) And fell in love with this dress, but I can't find barely
> anything about the painter, the sitter or the location of the painting
> in vain hope of finding a colour copy. Does anyone have any clues?
> http://ca.geocities.com/absynthe30/avatars/bahuet.jpg

No clues, but something doesn't feel right about the portrait; the face
seems Victorian. It may be a later copy, or perhaps if this is an older
book (pre-photography), it is an engraving intended to show the painting.
I can't tell from the online version whether it is an engraving, but that
should be obvious from the book itself. At worst it is a forgery, but that
is less likely than the alternatives. At best it is indeed c. 1540, and
just an unusual style for the time. A citation for the book you found this
in, with year, might be useful.

I can't find Jean Bahuet in my dictionary of artists, nor on a websearch,
save in 18th and 19th c. geneaologies, which might of course be referring
to some other Jean Bahuet(s).


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